Other Services

Unsightly chips, worn-outhard to clean finishes, as well as outdated colors, can be made to look new again. Your bathtub or shower will be transformed with a fresh new look and will be easy to clean without the expense and hassle of a total renovation.
We also modify bathtubs for handicap accessibility.
Diamond Finish Restoration is recognized for its expertise in repairing damaged and leaking fiberglass bathtub and shower units.
In most cases, water-damaged tile floors and walls can be repaired without a major tear-out. We carefully remove the damaged areas, and any mold issues are treated by a professional. The original tile is cleaned and prepped for reinstallation. New wallboard and/or flooring are installed, tiled, grouted, and caulked.
We also refinish tile in a wide array of colors, along with grout and caulking repairs.
Deck Waterproofing
Interior house walls and ceilings in certain deck and balcony designs need to be protected from water infiltration.
We offer vinyl or acrylic laminations to protect and waterproof these areas.